Thursday, January 17, 2008

How can we test the Temporal Decoder Filter Framework

How can we test the Temporal Decoder Filter Framework :
1. For Temporal Decoder, the Input buffer size may vary...

So Implement the custom allocator for the input pin

2. Open Some Image file using OpenCV .
Based on the Image Size, allocate the Output pin buffer size using DecideBufferSize() fn.
copy the Image buffer in to the output buffer.

Thru this we can test the temporal decoder filter...

if we print the Input( source) Sample Size and Output(destination) Sample Size.
we can identify the variable Input Buffer size.

But the Output Buffer size is always constant.

Construct the Filter graph as follows in GraphEdit :

MP4 Video --> Temporal Decoder --> Video Renderer

Run the Graph if it runs the graph and displays the Image properly. then it is fine...

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