Tuesday, June 12, 2007

How to call Unmanaged DLL from C# application ?

How to call Unmanaged DLL from C# application ?

I develeoped the win32 DLL.

I added the code in the DLL header file as follows :

#ifdef DLLDIR_EX
#define DLLDIR __declspec(dllexport) // export DLL information
#define DLLDIR __declspec(dllimport) // import DLL information

extern "C"
bool DLLDIR GetSysInfo(char* pszSystemName);


DLL implementation file I added its defn

How I accessed the DLL in C# ?

VC++ DLL is an Unmanaged code.

This is following way How I accessed that file...

I just copied the .DLL and .LIB files from my DLL project.

and copied it to the debug folder of the C# application

Within C# application

using System.Runtime.InteropServices; // For Interoperability

public static extern bool GetSysInfo(StringBuilder buf);

and called this GetSysInfo() fn in my application.

// this is the C++ function exposed by the dll

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