Wednesday, February 06, 2008

How can we skip the frame in a Temporal Decoder Filter ?

How can we skip the frame in a Temporal Decoder Filter ?

I developed the Temporal Decoder filter. During Decoding, I am not able to get the temporal decoded data.
My Temporal Decoder filter developed by deriving a CTransformFilter class..

CTransformFilter's Transform() fn, if we are not having decoded data,
then we have to skip the Current Frame.

if we return S_FALSE within Transform() fn. it will skip the current frame.

Example :

HRESULT CTemporalDecoder :: Transform(IMediaSample* pSrc, IMediaSample* pDest)
return DecodeBuffer(Src,pDest);

HRESULT DecodeBuffer(IMediaSample* pSrc, IMediaSample* pDest)
BYTE* pbEncodedData;
pSrc->GetPointer( &pbEncodedData);

if Decode(pbEncodedData ) //doesnt return the DecodedBuffer
return S_FALSE; //Skip the Current Frame.

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