Friday, November 23, 2007

RGB to YUY2 conversion

RGB to YUY2 :
1.Convert the RGB to YUY2 in my way and store it in a file
2.Using Color space converter convert it to YUY2 and dump it in memory

Compare these two things...

Other way is to

1.Initialize DirectDraw
2.Create the RGB Surface and copy the data to RGB surface
3.Create the YUY2 Surface and copy the RGB Surface to the YUY2 Surface
4.Lock the YUY2 Surface and get the buffer data...

RGB to YUV :

RGB to YUV conversion some formulas are available...
Bytes are arranged in this manner for YUY2
For the First 3 RGB Bytes we have to find the YU
For the next 3 RGB bytes, we have to find the YV.
This will be continued repeatedly.

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