Wednesday, April 04, 2007

How to develope a C# component ?

How to develope a C# component ?

Create a new DLL project and add the following...

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace WMDateTime
public interface IWMDateTime
/// Event that can be specified by the caller. Set when the config changes
/// or when a new message is available.

long UTCNow { get; }

public class WMDateTime : IWMDateTime
public WMDateTime() {}
public long UTCNow
DateTime d1 = DateTime.UtcNow;
return d1.Ticks;

in the Post Build event add the following :
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\sdk\v1.1\Bin\"tlbexp $(TargetPath)

C++ COM client :
1. IWMDateTimePtr dt;

if (FAILED(dt.CreateInstance(__uuidof(WMDateTime))))
return hr;
m_dtAudStartTime = dt->GetUTCNow(); //C# component's function

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