Monday, August 20, 2007

COM interface and .NET interoperability

VC++ COM interface in a DLL :


interface IModuleConfig



const GUID* pParamID, VARIANT* pValue);


DLL component Id is


DLL component implements this interface...


C# code :

I created the instance for the DLL component as follows :


ComImport, Guid ("9C9A2859-C76B-4205-A52A-3ADBA54458B7")]

public class DLLComponent




This is like defining the CLSID in VC++...


How to create an instance for the specified Guid ?


Type t = typeof(DLLComponent);

DLLComponent dllComponent;

dllComponent = Activator.CreateInstance(t);



How to Query the interface from the DLL component Instance ?

IModuleConfig config = null;

config = dllComponent as IModuleConfig;


config = (IModuleConfig) dllComponent;

But we have to declare the IModuleConfig interface in the C# as follows ;


ComImport, System.Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity ,

Guid("486F726E-4D43-49b9-8A0C-C22A2B0524E8" ),

InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType .InterfaceIsIUnknown)]

public interface IModuleConfig



int SetValue([In , MarshalAs(UnmanagedType .LPStruct)]Guid guid, ref Object obj);


Afterwards we can call the interface method using its object with dot operator...

IModuleConfig config = null;

config = dllComponent as IModuleConfig;

config.SetValue(guid, ref obj);


Now it is working well.

Wrong code:


Previously I defined the C# interface as follows :


ComImport, System.Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity ,

Guid("486F726E-4D43-49b9-8A0C-C22A2B0524E8" ),

InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType .InterfaceIsIUnknown)]

public interface IModuleConfig



int SetValue([In , MarshalAs(UnmanagedType .LPStruct)]Guid guid,[In , MarshalAs(UnmanagedType .AsAny) ref Object obj);


I got the exception as follows, we can't use the "UnmanagedType

.AsAny" ref types and Array with offset parameters.

  I thank verymuch to muthu pandi anna for helping me to solve this problem.

For VARIANT* we have to use the ref type.


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