Thursday, September 07, 2006



The difference in Visual Studio and 2003 :

For example if we create a new "Hello world" project in (Visul studio ) VC++,
and we run the program from visual studio, it wont take the debug folder as current folder, it takes the source code folder as current folder.
if we are running the program in, by default it takes "debug" folder as a current folder.

Quote of the day :
Knowledge exists in two forms - lifeless, stored in books, and alive, in the consciousness of men. The second form of existence is after all the essential one; the first, indispensable as it may be, occupies only an inferior position.Einstein

You have to measure exactly 4 liters of water, but you only have a 3-liter bottle and a 5-liter bottle. How do you do it?

Fill the 3-liter bottle and pour it into the empty 5-liter bottle. Fill the 3-liter bottle again, and pour enough to fill 5-liter bottle. This leaves exactly 1 liter in the 3-liter bottle. Empty the 5-liter bottle; pour the remaining 1 liter from the 3-liter bottle into the 5-liter bottle. Fill the 3-liter bottle and pour it into the 5-liter bottle. The 5-liter bottle now has exactly 4 liters.
Here is another way to do it*
Fill the 5-liter bottle and pour water from it into the 3-liter bottle until it is full.This leaves 2 liters in the 5-liter bottle. Empty the 3-liter bottle and pour the 2 liters of water from the 5-liter bottle into the 3-liter bottle. Fill the 5-liter bottle again. Fill the 3-liter bottle from the 5-liter bottle. Since the 3-liter bottle had 2 liters of water, only one liter is transferred leaving exactly 4 liters of water in the 5-liter jug

From the following clues, you must figure out who is the owner of each pet, and where the pet got lost.
1.A rabbit and a dog are two of the lost pets. 2.The pet lost in the garden is owned by Mary. 3.Robert does not own a dog. 4.John's pet was lost in the woods. 5.The cat was not lost in the woods or in the park.

Strategy for solving logic problemsI. Read the complete problem:
Get a general idea of the problem. Here we have 3 owners, 3 pets, and 3 locations. You are being asked to match each pet with an owner and a location. A 3×3 table, also called a logic matrix, can be used to organize this information.
II. Make a list of the members of each category:
Owners: Mary, Robert, JohnPets: rabbit, dog, catPlaces: park, garden, woods
III. Start filling the table with information from the clues.
The clues may provide direct or deduced information and can be processed in any order. We start by putting the owner names in the top row. Here, we start with clue number 2:
2. The pet lost in the garden is owned by Mary.
Owners Mary John Robert Pets Places garden
5. The cat was not lost in the woods or in the park.Therefore, the cat must have been lost in the garden.
Owners Mary John Robert Pets cat Places garden
4. John's pet was lost in the woods.... and, therefore, Robert's pet must have been lost in the park.
Owners Mary John Robert Pets cat Places garden woods park
1. A rabbit and a dog are two of the lost pets.3. Robert does not own a dog.This means that Robert owns the rabbit, and John must own the dog.
Owners Mary John Robert Pets cat dog rabbit Places garden woods park

1 comment:

Madhura Grace 1 - Resident said...

Dear Sundar,

I was pleasantly surprised to see your blog. I was searching for some basic information on development of Source Filter and reached your blog. I ended up reading all the stuff in Tamil. Very interesting.

I can be reached at upaddy.(-~at~-) I would like to seek your inputs on the development of a source filter which generates a signal of a specific frequency.

அன்புடன் ந. பத்மநாபன்.