Thursday, November 29, 2012

How Wifi/ethernet/3G  service is working in android:

   1) while bootup, connectivity service will launch all networking services.
In android, most of the system services cant be directly interactable by user applications/any other medium.
 Every service will have a manager which will talks with service. For example, To interact with connectivity service, Connectivity manager is available. User/application will query for the available network connections from Connectivity manager.

   In the same way, wifi manager is available for Wifi service, Window manager is available for Window service and so on.
During bootup, System server launches connectivity service.connectivity service launches/initiates wifi/3G/ethernet services.

     To receive whether the link is up or down, ethernet connection is connected or disconnected, we will receiving notifications from
framework.[android_net_wifi.cpp/android_net_   ] This framework file watches for network connectivity by reading /proc or sys file system.

    if wifi is available then under proc/net/wireless/wlan0 interface will be created. So the framework will waits for proc/net/wireless/ file for any changes.
    More over we will get notifications from driver on link up or down information. Once the link is up, it will be updated to Mobile/Wifi/ethernet trackers. These trackers will query for the network information like DHCP IP address,netmask and so on from DHCP service/dhcp daemon.
   Once the wifi/mobile state tracker got an IP address and necessary information about the network it update to Connectivity manager.
Meanwhile it will also update the Wifi/Ethernet manager which will talks to wifi/ethernet/3G services  .
    UpdateConnectivity of connectivity manager is being called to update the CONNECTED /DISCONNECTED network information to connectivity service.
   while user application queries for connected network information from connectivity manager, Connectivity manager will get this information from connectivity service.
     If multiple network connections are available, Connectivity service will decides which one to choose for network connection.
For example, if we have 3G connection, we reached into Wifi area, Wifi can download more data compare to 3G. So Wifi connection will be selected for network connection, 3G connection will be teared down.
    Every network has priority based on priority it will choose the desired connection.

  In linux and all, Ethernet/Wifi connection is possible at the same time. But the kernel will make use of any one interface[wifi/ethernet] at a time.

   wifi state tracker will make use of DHCP daemon to get dhcp ip address. For Dhcp request, Some class is available which will calls system/core/libnetutils library. which will talks to dhcp daemon initiated from init.rc.

           This DHCP daemon will query the ip address and set the IP address,netmask information in system properties [dhcp.wifi.ipaddress,dhcp.wifi.netmask]. If the Wifi state tracker doesnt receive any dhcp response for a particular timeout period, it will report timed out error. If dhcp reply is received it will reads Ip address and netmask from the given interface and update it on settings.
     CONNECTIVITY_ACTION is an intent which will be used to update the network information from connectivity manager/service.

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