Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Is it possible to call the function available in .obj code?

Is it possible to call the function available in .obj code?
But We can use it only in C file;In C++, we need further information;
I have developed the DLL project;
Within c file, We are able to call the function in obj code;
So within that DLL project, I have added the following
int ScaleRGB(int Width,int Height); available in object code;

void ScaleRGB_Wrapper(int Width,int height)
we have to add the .obj file to our DLL project;
within C code , call this ScaleRGB() fn and export the ScaleRGB_Wrapper() fn
as follows:
TESTDLL_API void ScaleRGB_Wrapper(int Width,int height)
From the DLL client C++ application, call the ScaleRGB_Wrapper() function in a DLL;

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